Wide Reading V3

This is a fictional story about a 15-year-old boy, Christopher, who appears to have autistic traits with an exceptional mind for maths and science however he is socially inept and struggles with human relationships. The neighbour, Mrs Shears’ dog is brutally murdered with a garden fork police officers are called to the scene however they show no interest in solving the crime. Christoper is appalled by this act so decides to carry out some detective work by himself. While he is on a quest to find the murderer he uncovers the whereabouts of his apparently dead mother. This happens as he was searching for his special book, that logs the series of events he has been doing for his detective work. One day in his father’s room he comes across a secret haul of letters addressed to him from his mum. In the night he runs away to London in search of his mum. 


I found the character of Christopher interesting as he lives his life how he wants and struggles understanding other people so he has a way of how things are meant to be like with his car concept Superstition. Christopher, however, is apparent autistic but really smart when it comes to maths and science, but he is socially inept. As he is socially inept he doesn’t enjoy the company of people as he just cannot understand, on the other hand, he really enjoys the company of animals. I also was interested when police officers came over to Christopher and Christopher got angry because the officers didn’t care that a dog had been murdered and he cares for animals as they are easier to understand. When they try and grab Christopher he doesn’t like anyone touching him so he hit the officer and doesn’t understand why this is a bad thing.

Messages I took from the text

A message I took from the text was how you shouldn’t lie to people as the consequences could be severe. I realised this when Christopher’s dad keeps very important information from his son and I am the same as Christopher I would get confused and angry and probably run away. The reason this message stood out to me the most was that I have had people lie to me and I didn’t feel very good about the situation so I could relate but not to a point of leaving them completely. 

Challenges the character faced

Well first of all the character (Christopher) struggles understanding people and can’t fit in, so this is a challenge in its self. A general challenge Christopher faced was when he didn’t know how to take in the information his dad had kept from him. When Christopher found this out he panicked and his body shut down and he doesn’t remember much of this event his last memory was his dad washing him in the bath because he threw up on his clothes and all over his body.

Does the title relate to the text

I feel the title somewhat relates to the text in the way that that is the first thing that happens but the text does not continue like this so if I was writing this book I would give it another title such as “The boy’s Mystery” or “The truth hides beneath the lies”. However, I think the title is relevant because it is Chrisphers story, not mine.

Who would I recommend this book to and why

I would recommend this book to my peers and young[= adults because it would have the most effective outcome and they would get the best possible read if they were within the age group I provided.

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