Wide Reading (V2)

This is a film about a quirky 16-year-old girl whose life changes once she gets pregnant. After going through all of her options she decides to keep the baby but realises she won’t be capable of bringing it up. After some investigation, she finds a family unable to have children who are willing to bring the baby up. Juno has to make many mature and difficult decisions about her future.

The message that stood out to me the most was when young people decide to embark on having intimate relationships. I feel that too many of my peers today choose to have intercourse when they are not mature enough to deal with the consequences that may arise. I believe this is because they may not be ready for the emotional and physical responsibility of raising and caring for a child as well as having to look after themselves.  

I found the character of Paulie Bleeker rather interesting and comical. He has a funny and caring personality, I especially liked his strange enjoyment of orange tic tacs. He is incredibility supportive of Juno throughout her whole pregnancy. I liked Paulie because he is different and doesn’t conform or fit into any stereotype for example, although his physique does not fit with an athletic runner he is part of the running club and does it because he enjoys it. 

There were many challenges that the characters in this film had to deal with. There are a variety of different and complicated relationships that existed between teenagers and also between adults and children.  involved friendships Inappropriate relationship between the adopted father to be and 

I would recommend this film to a wide variety of age groups because it was enjoyable and funny. It was enjoyable because the language is colloquial and was easy to relate to. when it was used and how she went along with the situation. The reason I would recommend this film to youth and adults as they will be able to relate to this because they would of either had kids or wish to have them in the future. The film is sympathetic and understanding of teenage problems such as stress, workload and a multitude of relationships.

It appealed to me as I really enjoyed the characters and how they choose to act on certain issues that came up in the film. They were very relatable and authentic when they used the language they did it made the film more relatable because we use the same sort of language we use now being teenagers. The language that was used was in my option fit the film very well and in the right places.

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